Views of Egyptians
Item set
Egypt Postcard 245
KEEP IT QUIET!! You might wake the dead!!! -
Egypt Postcard 243
"It's a thing of the past" The Hobble Skirt BC 2910 -
Egypt Postcard 241
No use Harping on the Past! Play the Music of To-Day. -
Egypt Postcard 239
L' Egypte Ancien J. D' Auria Editeur Le Caire Egypte -- Reproduction Interdite Tê Fes de Femmes Fleuries d'un Lotus No. 18 -
Egypt Postcard 238
Un Des Colosses De Memnon -
Egypt Postcard 235
PeinTure dans la salle des harpes dans le vide tombeau des Rois a Thebes (parpieagauche. V Serie CN1) -
Egypt Postcard 234
(from left to right) Dépositaire - A. De' Giorgio - Caire Egypte - Reproduction Interdite; R.M. dé Giorgio; Série B.N.I; Triomphe d'un Roi (Thébes) -
Egypt Postcard 233
Egypt Postcard 232
L' Egypte Ancien. J. D' Auria Editeur Le Caire Egypte. - Reproduction interdite. -
Egypt Postcard 231
Freezes of the temple of Siti I at Abidos. -
Egypt Postcard 230
Priest making offers to the Gods. --Pretre faisant des offres aux Dieux -
Egypt Postcard 228
L' Egypte Anicen. Leaf out of the Book of the dead-page du livre des Morts. -
Egypt Postcard 226
Egypt Postcard 214
E. 352. Theben, The Colosses of Memnon. -
Egypt Postcard 213
Karnak Temple d'Ammon -
Egypt Postcard 211
Karnak. The Obelisks of Touthmosis and his daughter. Les Obelisques de touthmes et de sa fille -
Egypt Postcard 209
Egypt Postcard 208
Ruins of the Great Columns at Karnak, Egypt -
Egypt Postcard 207
EGYPT - The Sphinx. -
Egypt Postcard 206
Egypte- La Pyramide de Cheops -
Egypt Postcard 204
Egypt-The Sphinx and the Pyramid of Cheops -
Egypt Postcard 203
Egypt Postcard 201
Souvenir de Les Pyramides de Gizeh -
Egypt Postcard 200
Egypt Postcard 199
Carte Postale Poste Egyptienne The Cairo Postcard Trust, Cairo 59802